- BAK-100防爆视孔灯
适用于爆炸性气体环境1区、2区; - 适用于ⅡA、ⅡB、ⅡC级爆炸性气体环境;
- 适用于温度组别为T1~T4的环境;
- 适用于石油采炼、储存、化工、医药、军工及军事设施等爆炸性危险环境;
- 主要用于化学反应容器照明,也可用作局部观察照明
Applicable to explosive gas environment zone 1, zone 2;
Suitable for A, II, II, II class C B explosive gas environment;
, suitable for temperature group T1 ~ T4 environment;
Suitable for oil production and refining, storage, chemical, pharmaceutical, military and military facilities, such as explosion hazardous environment;
Mainly used in chemical reaction container, lighting, can also be used for observing the local lighting.
铸铝合金外壳,压铸成型,表面喷塑。 - 视孔灯可根据用户要求做成聚光式,但在订货时应注明。
- 钢管或电缆均可布线。
- 符合GB3836-2000,IEC60079标准要求。
Cast aluminum alloy shell, die casting, surface spray.
De Kong Deng made according to user requirements gathering type, but in order to be marked.
Steel tube or cable can be connected.
" With GB3836-2000, IEC60079 standard request.
防爆标志防护等级 电缆外径(φmm) 进线口螺纹(G ") 灯座代号 ExdⅡT4 IP55 10~14 3/4 E27
型号额定电压(V) 额定功率(W) BAK-40 AC 220及以下 40 BAK -60 60 BAK -100 100
乐清柯铭防爆电器有限公司*生产:移动照明车,移动升降灯,防爆灯,LED防爆灯,防爆无极灯,防爆节能灯,投光灯,工矿灯,泛光灯,海洋王灯具,三防灯,抢修灯,探照灯,防爆电筒,便携灯,应急灯,LED 灯,头灯,隧道灯,防眩泛光灯,防震灯,工作灯,信号灯,方位灯,无极灯,防眩通路灯,隧道灯,油站灯,视孔灯,路灯,防腐灯,平台灯,吸顶灯,防爆荧光灯,防爆镇流器,防爆配电箱,防爆接线盒,防爆操作柱,防爆断路器,防爆开关,防爆电动葫芦控制按钮,防爆电磁启动器,防爆插销,防爆穿线盒,防爆电机,防爆软管,防爆接头,非标配电箱,防爆风机,防爆电话,防爆电铃等